You can now Download CLASSROOM OF THE ELITE Light Novel (ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ, Yōukoso Jitsuryoku Shijō Shugi no Kyōshitsu e, lit. “Welcome to the Classroom of the Supreme Ability Doctrine”) volumes in (.pdf) Format
Kōdo Ikusei Senior High School, a leading prestigious school with state-of-the-art facilities where nearly 100% of students go on to university or find employment. The students there have the freedom to wear any hairstyle and bring any personal effects they desire. Kōdo Ikusei is a paradise-like school, but the truth is that only the most superior of students receive favorable treatment.
The protagonist Kiyotaka Ayanokōji is a student of D-class, which is where the school dumps its “inferior” students in order to ridicule them. For a certain reason, Kiyotaka was careless on his entrance examination, and was put in D-class. After meeting Suzune Horikita and Kikyō Kushida, two other students in his class, Kiyotaka’s situation begins to change.
Associated Names
Classroom of the Elite
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NOTE: all volumes are proper translations.
Classroom of the elite volume 9 pdf
When will we get please tell me
I can’t wait for volume 9
It’s still being translated. You can read some of the translated chapters here –
Could you please tell me when we get the full vol 9
of classroom of elite
You are doing great job
Thank You.
Hey! Just wanted to let you know that you and your team are awesome. I cant read Japanese so this pandemic has been much more enjoyable for me and I am sure the rest of us readers feel the same. The year is ending soon and its gonna be another new year with all sorts of challenges and work to do. I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas(ah that’s kinda late now) and a Happy Holidays. Which the best of luck for you all and hope you can continue to provide more content for us to read (^-^)
How many days I have to wait for vol 9 of classroom of elite
Please tell me.
hey when will volume 2 be completed , its obviously incomplete
The Volume 2 currently available is fan translated and its incomplete. Classroom of the elite has been licensed by seven seas, Volume 1 was released earlier this year. Volume 2 will be available in a few months.
I haven’t started reading them, I just finished the anime and wanted to read the LNs from the beginning, but are all of these files finished translations? Also, is there anyway to give back and show our apprecation for those who work hard on these translations? thanks! 🙂
Volume 1 and 2 are official translations (Purchased) by the site Volume 3 – 8 are Fan translations. Volume 9 is currently being translated here
You can support the purchase of New official releases here
You can support Grace the fan translator of volume 9 here
When will classroom of the elite vol 10 pdf will be released reply if possible im curious
What about volume 11
Have you finished volume 10?.
Thanks a lot, having this in pdf is a life saver to me.
Very grateful for all the work.
You’re welcome.
Thank you for your work so far on this series, I’m loving it so far. I would like to ask why chapter 9 and 10 are still incomplete so far. Is there a reason to that?
What volume are you referring to?
Oh sorry, I meant volume 10 instead of any chapters. There are errors on some of the characters, such as in ch 2 v 10, where Ichonise is referred to as “he” instead of “she”. This seems like a translation error to me. I would also like to point out that this happens throughout volume 10 where the characters are referenced wrong.
Thanks for the feedback. This version of volume 10 is partly MTL, I will reupload a better translation when its available. Thanks
Could you please tell me when we get vol 11?
ok, I will.
damn it was hard to find a site that had the translations from volume 3 onwards. and i am from Brazil. thanks for the translations
You’re welcome.
It keeps saying connection timed out and it says to contact the administrator of the server, what do I do?
Does the issue still persist?
when will volume 11 be available? plz tell about a tentative period in which it will get released. I would be very much appreciated.
A proper Volume 10 translations will be released soon (By next month), the current volume 10 translation is MTL. Soon aftee volume 10 release, volume 11 will start being translated.
Still waiting for Clean Vol. 10 ang Vol. 11 release. I wonder when will it be.
A proper Volume 10 will be released soon. Its just Chapter 5 part 5 and Chapter 6 translation that’s left to be translated. If you want you can download the current translated chapters here
Oh, good to know. Thanks for your hard work
You can download the current available chapters here
Is there any translations for vol 11?
Not Yet, just MTL.
will clean vol 10 be done by october?
Yes it will.
Will it say in the notes?
No it won’t, this is the clean version for volume 10 up to chapter 5!BN1FVKRS!ZbjhC0BrDD3ovRLxtfvJC0r47LO_qn0UxMBUiA2A0Ks
The rest will be added after translation is completed.
Will Volume 11 be available this October maybe?
No, Translation hasn’t begun yet. A proper Volume 10 will be released before vol 11 translation begins.
Good day.
I would like to know about the status on vol9, is it complete? i got a 238 pdf pages (Short stories).
also, about vol10 i got it until the pages 229 (epilogue part 8).
finally, vol7 repeat some chapters, the first introduction and the double date, besides i think it is not complete.
sorry for that much complaint, i really appreciated your work.
Vol 7-9 translation is complete. Vol 10 is complete but its Mtl. A fan translated vol 10 will be released soon.
bro thanks soooo much for vol 10. I would love to read volume 11. if at all possible can you please upload. Thanks again
volume 11 isn’t translated yet, It will take a while before its available.
Please i would like to know when will the translation fir volume 11 will start and complete??
It won’t be starting anytime soon, but you can check out this MTL version here. Some chapters have been translated.
Hello is volume 10 complete or is some of it still MTL ? also is there a place where i can follow the updates of this work ? TY 🙂
This is a link to a fan translated volume 10
but its missing a few chapters.!BN1FVKRS!ZbjhC0BrDD3ovRLxtfvJC0r47LO_qn0UxMBUiA2A0Ks
The current translator of this series is confusedtls, you can follow the translation there.
You are Amazing! Thanks for all the LN! It’s really a big help to me! Thanks again! And more LNs to come.!😊
hey why in volume 10 Ichinose Honami is a “he”? Can someone fix that please. I also noticed that the other female characters are “he”
Please notify me when vol 11 is revealed.
Volume 11 added
Can you tell me what volumes that are not fan translated?
volume 1 – 3 are official, the rest fan translated.
Volume 1-4.
Is mtl volume 10 released yet, if not could you give us a rough estimate of when it will be?
MTL means, machine translated. The volume 10 here is MTL. The link below is a better verion but its incomplete!BN1FVKRS!ZbjhC0BrDD3ovRLxtfvJC0r47LO_qn0UxMBUiA2A0Ks , missing a few parts.
Hi.. New here.. is it true that vol 2 is complete? .. and are all of those link above is all completed volumes? ..
Yes, They all are.
Ohh~~!!! Thanks for the quick reply~
When can we get the translation of full volume 11?
Not anytime soon. I have the epub and pdf of the JP translated version, if you need it. No translators are working on it at the moment.
I am not able to download light novel volume 4,even after verifying says please wait and I am not able to skip the ad.Please kindly do address this problem.Thank you.
Check how to download here
I am not to download LN volume 4,after verifying the captcha I enter shotzone and get the link saya please but it is not responding at all.Please address this problem.Thank you.
Check how to download here
hey i can’t download form vol 4
hey I can’t download vol 4 can you help me with that,the reply you had given to other people about00 this,most of here know how to download,waiting for your response.
Try again had some issues before. It’s resolved now.
Thank you so much for this translations I know its really hard, Still waiting for Volume 11 and 11.5
Can you the vol 4 and 4.5 from seven seas?
I will later.
Great work man thank you for everything.
By the way, when does the 11th came out?
Translation hasn’t started yet, I’ll post a status update when translation begins.
Pls could you send the link for proper Vol 10!BN1FVKRS!ZbjhC0BrDD3ovRLxtfvJC0r47LO_qn0UxMBUiA2A0Ks This is a proper translations but its incomplete.
When will the full translated vol 10 come, pls could you tell me when it’s done and thank you for my previous request
I will.
Is vol 10 completed sry to bother because I just got a message that vol 11 is out
Vol 10 mtl is complete. The fan translation is till being translated. Vol 11mtl is currently available, its well edited.
vol 10 & 11 pdf is corrupted
No they aren’t. Use Adobe reader.
vol 11 pls
Finally volume 11 MTL is out. Not all heroes wear capes, thank you so much man
The Volume 10 that I downloaded before was confusing because the gender was reversed, boys with her while the girls are called his/he!BN1FVKRS!ZbjhC0BrDD3ovRLxtfvJC0r47LO_qn0UxMBUiA2A0Ks This is a proper translations but its incomplete.
can u pls tell me when will vol 11.5 be released?
Hopefully the volume 11.5 Mtl will be available early next yr.
When will Vol 11.5 be out..
I can’t wait to read it
when will a non MTL version of volume 11 will be release?
Maybe before this yr end.
Anyone know when vol 10 will be updated with the improved translation?
Before March 2020
When will vol 11.5 be released?
Check here for volume 11.5 mtl. Read it and give me feedback, If its readable I’ll make the pdf & epub
Which volumes are official ?
volume 1-4
I am planning to print volume to print volume 11 and 11.5 so i can read in class. Is it okay? Even it is mtl? What exacltly is mtl sir? Thanks
Mtl means Machine translated. Volume 11 and 11.5 were edited,You can read them.
Can’t download the file due to link being not redirected by google home. It seems there’s some error in the captcha.
Check how to download here
Just wanna ask, when officials are out (starting Vol. 4.5), will you replace the fansub into the official one? I read it all thanks to your app (Zerobooks) but when I want to read again, I’d like the official ones (cannot afford to buy for few years)
Where are the SS for volume 11?
Read the ss here
When will the second year arc be released?
JP version 24th January, 2020.ENG version no release date yet.
After volume 12 is released, how long would it take to have a readable eng translation?
Latest march 2020.
so your now translating the raw vers of vol 12 which is second year vol 1?
Thank you for your work ^^
When will the real translation happen for volumes 11 and 11.5? Thanks for the releases.
is there a non MTL version for volume 11.5?
When will there be a proper translation of volumes 11 and 11.5? Thanks for the releases.
Sorry for repeating this twice. It was an accident
There is no SS?
What volume?
When the official 4.5 will came out and
when you upload it?
It will be Available Tomorrow 06-02-2020.
Where can I read volume 11.75
Volume 11.75 was released in a paperback format with limited quantities. At the moment we don’t have 11.75.
thank you guys for your hard work. is there any news about vol12 progression ??
Kindly join our discord for 2nd yr volume 1 updates
yes i did and thank you again
When u will upload volume 4.5 office version?
4.5 isn’t official yet?
Can you upload the 11.75 volume? I’m a big fan from Jnovels. BTW thank you so much for the TRN! 💕
Go check it out here
when classroom of.elite novel 12 will come ? i am excited so much
We are still working on it, you can join our discord for more info.
When will the second year volume 1 be available?
We are still working on it, you can join our discord for more info.
Hey, can you tell me the password to read the 11.5 ss of ryuen?
Password protection has been removed.
Can’t wait to read volume 12
join our discord for more info
Volume 4 and 4.5 link is dead.
Links are active,Check here to see how to download
On the discord the last mtl chapter for season 2 volume 1 was chapter 5 20 days ago. Are you editing those chapters or are you working on chapter 6/epilogue yet? Thx for your amazing work.
When will season 2 vol 1 be finished. I am on the discord but I dont see where the updates are shown, just some non edited mtl links that are from 20 days ago or further. Thx for your work.
We are still on it. Currently The prologue, chapter 1,2, 5,6 and Epilogue have been worked on. We are currently working on chapter 3 & 4.
Sick, you guys are really quick. Can’t wait to read the finished version
When is the release data of vol 12
discord link not working
When is vol 11 and 11.5 getting a proper translation. Thanks again for the hard work
Can you give link for completed chapters
Join our Discord for more info.
In discord mtl starts from chapter 3 or is it from the start
A proper MTL will be released soon on discord.
When can you afford vol 11 and 11.5 proper translation?
In Volume 5, the students’ ID cards are in Japanese. Is there a way to get its English Version?
Not yet, the English version will be posted here as soon as it is available.
Thanks for your reply, I will be waiting
Where is the ss for volume 4?
You can check here
Can you please translate the 2nd year volume 1 SS
Check for the ss
There are mistakes in the translation in 2nd year volume 1, and some parts that are hard to understand. Is that gonna be fixed soon ?
Appreciate your fast work
Yes this is a mtl but it’s edited to be readable. You’ll need to wait a few more months for a proper translation.
I went on the discord but couldn’t find the link for the most recent volume. does anyone know where I can find it?
Check announcement channel
For some reason I can’t download Vol. 4. When I click “Get Link” I get to various websites but never on the one I need. Why is that?
Check here to see how to download or read via our mobile app on playstore or app store.
I just wanted to say that you are amazing, thank you for sharing the content
Hi, there will be a revised translation for the second year, volume 1? That are a lot of parts that don’t make much sense.
Thanks for all the work, I enjoyed reading it.
Yes, a properly translated version will be available in the future (It may take till this yr end). The current version is an edited mtl.
hello is there any information about 2nd year vol 2 release date ?
thank you for the hard work
Not yet, kindly join our discord. It will be announced there when available.
Thanks a lot
How can I get a link for 2nd years volume 1 if the discord isn’t compatible for my device?
Has proper translation of volume 11.5 begun? If yes, can you share the link? I can’t find link on discord.
Not yet
Has translation of volume 11.5 started? If yes, can you please share the link? I can’t find link On the discord. I believe a blogger name “botman” has started translating.
Hey is news on 2nd year volume the mtl translation complete?
When will be the second year volume 1 be available (mtl)
It’s already available, join our discord and check there.
Is Volume 9 incomplete? Not really sure tho, but the page number is very few compared to other volumes, and it feels like some things were skipped.
It’s complete.
Hello, is the the 2nd
Year arc volume 1 fully translated?
Yes, go check the discord
Oh and also, I can’t access the 2nd year volume 1 because a decrypt key is needed.
Sorry for the questions, but I can’t seem to copy the PDF file to the Books app, (iOs user) and also, the decrypt key is needed.
It’s your reader. Kindly use adobe reader.
Thank you for the response, so if I instal Adobe Reader, the decrypt key won’t be necessary?
Has there been any updates regarding the translating students’ IDs in volume 5?
Yes, volume 5 update will be Available 14-05-2020
I can’t download them
Check here to see how to download
has the translation of vol 11 begun?
Yes, it’s almost complete.
till what volume is officially translated?
Volume 1-4.5, volume 5 will be released this month.
Thank You now I can read this properly, I appreciate your very hard work. Thanks!
Had the official Volume 5 released? I thought its today?
Is it necessary to read volume 4.5 or is part of the main storyline
Read it
after downloading 4 volumes, i can’t download anymore
check how to download here
Hi, the link for the vol 9 seems to doesn’t work anymore unfortunately. Would you mind fixing it please?
Thank you very much for your great job!
It works, try again.
Hi, I’m sorry but I still have the same trouble. it says might be unavailaible or moved to another web adress.
Anyway I found another way to get it.
Thank you very much for your hard works!
The link of the vol 6 is broken l,after waiting for 10 sec when i tried getting the link it keeps saying “The site cant be reached”.Plss fix it
It works. Try again
When it says only vol 11 is MTL does that mean that year 2 vol 1 is not an MTL?
Hi, there i know it’s not related by this but is there a second season of the anime? Or maybe even romours
Lol, don’t dream. Hopefully in the future it might get a second season.
Hello! Is there any short story available for the vol 10 maybe?
Sure, I’ll add them.
When it says only Volume 11 is MTL, does that mean Volume 11.5 is not MTL? Thanks for making all these PDFs. It’s amazing.
Yes 11.5 is a proper fan translation.
Is 2nd year volume 1 also properly translated?
Its mtl
Hi could you pls send me a link of the classroom of the elite 2nd year vol.1 I already know that it is in the discord but for some reason I can’t get it I never even chatted with people its says something like the link is expired whats probably not true but I already had given up in getting in the disc.but would you be so kind to send me a link?thanks for reading such a long comment and many thank.
Message goldenagato on discord (send me a friend request). I’ll send you the link.
I will but what is the tag number?
I don’t understand what you mean. If you Join the discord, verify your account. You can then post a question on the light novel discussion channel, there are at least 500 users online that will point you in the right direction.
oh i was asking for the tag number you have under your name and I already said that I for some uknown reason cant get in the the zerobooks disc. server and you told me to send you a friend request so I wanna know the tag number under your name that was it
And I now see why you misunderstood me I made a dumb grammar fault I did not mean I can’t get the you zitsu link but the disc. Link I can’t get in the discord I do have the discord link but im probably banned or something that is what I meant I can’t get in the zero books discord so could you tell me your tag number and then I could add you and you accept it and then send me the you-zitsu volume 1 2nd year I hope that you understand it now
Thanks I sended a friend request my namd is averagedude
Hey, um what is MTL does it affect the volume 11 and if so when will it be fix thanks for you’re hardwork so far
I have an issue trying to download some of the pdfs. For some reason I am able to download volumes 10 – latest but for the others I only get a bunch of pop up ads but no download file when I click the “get link” button. Thank you for your work.
Check here to see how to download
Volume 11 does not have SS. Will it be updated? Or need to wait till the fan translation comes out
Wait for the fan translation, the SS will be added
just wondering is the year 2 an mtl translation or fan translation?
thank you for the hard work
Hey sorry to be bothering but could you help in how to read year 2 volume 1.
I haven’t ever used discord so I can’t understand how to find it there
Click our discord invite link, create your account and verify it. The discord grp is active, you can ask anyone there for the link.
Hey man, great work on the translations. Just wanted to ask, why is volume 6 so different from volume 5 overall (translation is a bit strange, numerous grammar and tense errors), and is there a better version of it anywhere? Thanks
Volume 1-5 are official translation, volume 6 upwards are fan translations.
Dude…can’t get my hand on the 2nd year Vol 1 in the Discord server…wattya do??!! 🙁
Click our discord invite link, create your account and verify it. The discord grp is active, you can ask anyone there for the link.
Hey is the year 2 Vol 1 an official fan translation or MTL?
I’m trying to get find the year 2 vol 1
But when I try to join the discord link, it says that the invite is invalid and that I’ve been banned 😂
Any clue why? or how to get the book
Hi! i want to join to your Discord server but there is a problem with the invitation. How can i join?
Try rejoining, make sure to verify your profile and check your direct messages.
Thank you very much for all this translations. Finding this site and the Discord server has made me get by another day in quarantine. Really, Thank you so much.
When will C.O.T.E 2nd Year Vol.2 come out?
June 25th, 2020. You can join our discord for more info
Hey I’m new here I’m having trouble I can’t seem to open volume 6 to 9
Is the volume 11 MTL readable or is it better to wait for the completion of fan translation
You can wait for the fan translation
yo i dont understand how discord works… can you give me link to your discord. i need year 2 vol. 1 &2. thanks
Just register an account and join our server, the rest will be self-explanatory.
it is fan trans right? just to make surre, Im sure you did a great job
Is the epub format exist
Bro second year volume 2. When?
Join our discord for update
sorry to bother you, how long does it generally take to finish translation of a volume after the JP version is released?
sorry to bother you but, how long does it generally take to finish translation of a volume after the JP release?
how long does it generally take to finish translation of a volume?
Hey Bro ! When Volume 2 of second year will be uploaded? And tell how much time does it take to complete the translation after the JP release.
Join our discord for release updates.
Please answer I checked the page numbers of the official and your translation of vol. 1 of Classroom of Elite. Why was there around 200-150 pages of diffrence?
Have you read the book? Note that the page no can vary, what is important is the no of words.
Why is there around 200 pages of diffrence between the official english version and your translation in vol. 1?
Bro the sentences are spaced out quite a bit in each page also there is a fewer word count on each page then the official release. Rest assured, you won’t miss out on anything ,they are after all the same story
When will the 2nd year volumes be available for download?
Check our discord for the download links
When is volume 6 official translation can be available ?
Available Jul 23, 2020
When will MTL for year 2 Vol 2 be released?
Join our discord for the info
When will year 2 be posted?(I mean second year volume 1)
Join our discord, the link is there.
Does the volume 1 for 2nd year is supposedly the volume 12
What volumes are MTL? Thanks
Hey where can i find the discord link
Hey so when r the translation for the 2nd year vol 1 coming? (Not the mtl)
Volume 12 is also an MTL. It’s practically unreadable.
can’t download “2ND YEAR VOLUME 1”!!!…plz help…
Hi, could you update Volume 6 to be the official english translation, instead of the fan one?
Available 23-07-2020
the new Volume 11 pdf is hard to read when using read-mod on phone.. Plz fix it.
My bad, thanks for the uploads!
when might vol.2 2nd year be available? i know you’ll tell to join discord and all but cant you just tell me here
how can i get link from discord?
check channel classroom of the elite info
Hey @Goldenagato I have read the novels until second year vol 1 all from here and majority of it was translated by you so thanks a lot..I wanted to read second year vol 2 but when i joined the discord and stuff they said they only recently got it and it will take some time to completely translate and all so i was wondering if you could please tell me how long it would take for it to be completely translated(it doesn’t matter if the answer you give me in an aprox one)
Its will be available soon. When it’s available it will be shared on discord.
alright thanks a lot though
OMG it’s already out i saw just now damn you guys are the BEST!!!!! jnovels is the best thanks a lot guys especially you @goldenagato!
btw @goldenagato i’ve sent you a request on discord…by the name of ZeusPoseidon…can you please accept that request??
hey I wanna join the discord too but unfortunately I was banned immediately when I joined
what is your username
holy shit vol.2 is out. thanks a lot guys. im broke myself but i do wanna donate to you guys sometime soon….. btw id have thanked on discord but for some reason it says i dont have permission to send messages. anyway i know you guys do it for free and id like to heelp anyway i can for for encouragement. aprreciate the works!!
@goldenagato Chillingrence1
Can you let me join the discord please ?
What error are you getting?
Invite invalid, looks like I’ve beend banned
I don’t even know why :<
release date of second year vol 3 ? where i can get info of the release date of the light novel ?
I am Really greatful for the translation of the 2nd Year Volume 2. Its really a good translation I have introduced my some frends to this site for Yuzutsu series . Thanks a lot for this.
If i can Request, I would like to Request The World Of Otome Game Is Tough For Mobs Volume 6 Translation. This series od really popular but due to official licence it’s not being translated and official translation is even yet to arrive for volume 1. Really Desperate to read volume 6.
Thank you for your hard work in this novel
can you let me join the discord ?
When will the year 2 volume 3 be released
Thanks a lot for all your hard work, golden nagato.
You seriously fulfilled many of my wishes by creating this site.
Thanks to that I can download not only LN’s and WN’s but also the mangas as volumes.
I appreciate all the time and effort you and everyone else involved put into this site.
I just wish that I too could support you guys by donating but I don’t have a stable source of income yet.
Keep up the great work.
By the way, are most of the novels machine translated on this site? Or are there proper translations too?
P.S I am a new user here who just started today and am kicking myself for not finding your site earlier.
Can I join the discord ? I really want to read the 2nd year arc
Excuse me, why the discord invitation didn’t work??
I have completed the S1 anime, from where should i start the light novel now (Volume)
Just start from volume 1 or from the anime start from volume 4
How can I fix the invite invalid for the discord?
Join our Discord
I’m getting an invalid invite tho
Add me as a friend on discord Goldenagato#8863 and dm me.
Done adding you, my username is Osh#9830
I cant join the discord,plzz do something add me as
Are These officially translated or Fan Translated
why is the volume 11.75 only 18 pages? is it and vol 11.5 incomplete?
ITS ONLY 18 PAGES. 11.75 is sorta mini info booklet and not a proper volume. Its supposed to have only few pages
bruh i cant join the discord
add me as a friend on discord Goldenagato#8863
please check link chapter 2 and 9. Can’t download it seems corrupted. Can you give other link as well? thanks
hello can you please check link for chapter 2 and 9. it’s seems corrupted. or any other link for those chapter thanks
Bro it’s not corrupted…try downloading from another me helps
Hi, I’ve read the volume 12 that’s in the discord. The translation seems to be edited MTL, since there were some parts that are difficult to understand. I wanted ask if that is the complete version or are you guys still working on it. If so, when will the proper translation be available?
A fan translation is currently ongoing, it will be completed in a few months
Check our discord for an updated version or just be patient for a proper fan translation.
Can you tell me release date of year 2 vol 3
Wheres 2nd year volume 1?
Check it out on the discord
I am your daily visitor, I like everything in this site, even I completed reading nearly 50 novels and very good translation by the writer.
But please check novel 7 i am unable to download
Link is working, try using a vpn to access this link
just wondering, are the more recent volumes (like volumes 10- year 2 volume 2) MTLs? thanks for all these translations btw
nvm j ignore my last comment, I reread the volumes and saw i was wrong. sorry about that and thank you again for all these translatios
is there a release date for 2nd year vol.3 ? btw thanks for all the previous translations
I can’t thank you enough for this service. The anime isn’t getting continued pretty sure, so this helps a lot.
Volume 7.5 broken link po…plsss fixxx..salamat pohhh
Thank you for the books. When will the original seven seas books be uploaded? Also, the link for volume 7 is broken.
I just checked all links work check here to see how to download
when is year 2 volume 3 going to be translated ?
Any news about the proper translation for ” 2nd year volume 1″ ?
Still being translated
how much time does it take to translate a volume after his release in Japan
Does this volumes include the short stories?
Can’t find Volume 12 on discord. Is it still being translated?
Any idea when will Y2 Vol. 3 (English translation) will release, can’t wait for it.
P.S. – Appreciate the efforts.
you guys are amazing,i just finished 11.75 about to join the discord for the second year arc. love you all, keep up the good work 🙂
u know what! I am overwhelmed with emotions now. Thanks to u. I will start reading the novels now. However please update ( idk whether u updated or not) but still.
Why can’t I download volume 8?
Try using a vpn like hola, your isp might be blocking the link
Thanks for all you guys do but how long will it take to translate vol.3 when it releases on 24th? and will it be fan trans or mtl? thanks again!!
Join our discord for updates/info
i try to all the time but get immideiately banned or sumthing so ive quit trying
Hi, create a new account. You will need to wait 10 mins to be able to chat in the discord or you can dm me Goldenagato#8863 for assistance
Is 2nd year volume 2 proper fan translation or edited MTL?
Hello, GoldenAgato. I am an avid fan of you, and whoever the ones translating the LNs. Is there any updates regarding the translation of Volume 3 Second Year?
Join our discord for updates
when is the 2nd year volume going to release
Join our discord for update
i cant download it
I am not able to download can anyone tell me why ?? And how to download it ??
As of now how many volumes are official !?!?
The first 7 are official volumes as at now.
how long till year 2 vol 3 gets translated
Before the end of this year
well its good
Thank you for the translations <3
Does the story of each volume are all complete now?
is the end of vol7.5 cut off because it doesnt finish the last bit of the story
Please can you upload classroom of the Elite second year vol 3 PDF I am anxiously waiting for it. Thanks for providing us with all the PDFs you are doing a great job.
Hi, Join our discord for the release update.
2nd year volume 3 when?
How do i get on your discord?? I cant find a link anywhere
can’t get past the popups when trying to download vol 7.5, i’ve noticed this only occurs on volumes where the download page has a web address of Can somone post a pdf link to 7.5 because the popups while trying to download mean i cant get to it
Hi may I know upto what volume is it official translation and when will the next officially translated volume be released and in that case will u replace the fan translated version ??
When is second year volume 3 dropping
why i can’t download volume 2 and 9?
When is second year volume 3 being released ??? When i checked a few days ago it said on Nov 17 but it is still not out yet
Join our discord for updates
when is the vol 14?
when will the year 2 volume 3 be released?
can you please give me raw volume 14 pdf.plzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Its locked what’s the password?
Thanks for the good work
thank you a lot, looking for the second yer vol.3
when will 2 year volume 3 be release?
It’s released on Discord.
Hello, this volume haven’t short story? I didn’t see them.
Upto what volume is official ?? When will the next official translation be released ??
Is the 2nd year vol4 is released in Japan yet?
And were there any short stories in vol3?
Is 2nd year vol4 released in Japan yet?
Okka1sts no the author is currently writing Classroom Of The elite Y2V4 in Japan and then it will be translated into English so ig it will take around 5 months (my guess)
When will 2nd Year Volume 3 will release???(Unofficial Translation)
Are all these translations finished and which ones are fan translations?
nd2 Volume 3 release?
Is there is an error in Volume 7.5, the first couple of chapters are repeated twice?
Volume 7.5 has a couple of repeated chapters (about 12) and the last chapter seems to be incomplete
Thank You VERY VERY much my good sir
I read in some comments that you guys have discord server. I can’t find the link, can you provide a link?
Hi, so I was wondering whether is it possible for you to send links for Fan Translation for Volumes 01-07?? In PDF and EPUB.
I am unable to download Volume 8 or 9 of this LN. Please fix this.
It works see how to download here
Hey goldengato, thank you for all your translation work. I am a french fan of this LN and i would like to know where you get informed about Shōgo Kinugasa work, i would like to know if when the next volume is published.
He has a Twitter handle, search for it.
Hello guys i am new and just started reading, i was asking if your team still translates the anime
Light novel**
Yes I recommend reading from volume 1. If you want to read after the anime, start from volume 4
How many volumes of Classroom of the Elite are there all together in the series dating to now?
Also, thank you for your hard work with translating this series. I really appreciate it
Ryan, there are 18 novels till date and more upcoming
@goldenagato i have a wierd quiestion(been bugging me for months) how do you read your name golden agato or nagato? And how is the A pronounced A as in Alive or Anus
Sorry wierd just curios
Hello~ I’m pretty new here, can you please tell me how to download the files cause I get confused when it switches to new tabs. Thanks
Hey, when can I download the CLASSROOM OF THE ELITE 2ND YEAR VOLUME 3 PDF?
It says that I have to join a discord link but right now I can’t get to discord because of verification problems. If there is a link to download the pdf, please tell me. Thank you really much!
Join the discord and verify your account
When will the short stories of the 2nd year volume 3 be released?
When will the short stories of 2nd year volume 3 be released?
whats the difference between the first ones and the ones with side storys?
whats the difference between the first links and the links with short stories?
when is second year volume 4 realeasing {translated version}
some one told me that yr.2 vol3 (golden nagaoto) is fanmade, just asking if it’s real. Thank you
If you believe them, why are you still coming to ask goldenagato
Hi i joined the discord but i do not know where the yr 2 vol 3 is located pls help. Great work and thanks btw
when is y2 v4 releasing? love ur online books/manga!
Feb 25th, 2021
when will the light novel 2nd year volume 4 release
Feb 25th, 2021
man vol 3 pdf so broken in size
is the short story recopilation not translated?
Hi, could you please tell me when volume 4 year 2 is going to be available?
Thank you golden for your hard work!
Feb 25th
How much time will it take you to translate Year 2 Volume 4 MTL version? Approx time period would be great.. Also thank you for all these volumes..
When will you release vol. 14 of classroom of elite. Please tell me
when will cote year 2 volume be released?
When will you put the official version of volume 7.5? Love your site.
Its already added, refresh the page and redownload
When will the english translation of year 2 volume 4 come out?
English translation of COTE Y2 V4 release date?
Thank you very much!
Which are officials and which aren’t? And also, do they all have a proper translation or some volumes has parts which doesnt make sense?
Is volume 9 available in a different font?
Volume 10 not downloading?
Hey I cant download volume 7
Nmv just volume 7, I cant download any of these volume, epub or pdf
After doing the capture and waiting 10 seconds the page is stuck on getting link I tried this yesterday as well and had the same problem please help
is volume 7 re edited available?
Is there an estimated release date for the translation of CLASSROOM OF THE ELITE 2ND YEAR VOLUME 4?
Join our discord for updates
any idea when yr2 vol 4 will be out?
Join our discord for updates
when 2and volume 4 is coming out
2and volume 4 pls
When 2nd year volume 4 will be available ?
When will the next volume be translated?
When will 2nd year vol 4 be released? And thank you so much for your hard work….
When i want to download volume 7.5 it sends me to the zshort website, but i cannot press continue. If i try to press on the captcha box it redirects me to a random other website. What to do?
Read our faq to see how to download
When will you upload the year 2 volume 4? (Date please..)
Joi our discord for updates
Is there a vol 11 fan translation or no?
estimate for y2v4 please
I need discord link
When will we get year 2 volume 4 English translation?
How many tls you got?
Hello, I have a question: will you reupload the volumes when the official translations (the ones from Seven Seas) get released? Thank you for your hard work!
Hello, I have a question: will you reupload the volumes when the official translations (the ones from Sven Seas) get released?
When look for a release date in your discord I can’t find a date, so can you tell me when it is going to release the newest volume or atleast around wich time it is going to release ?
i cant download volume 8 how can i solve this issue and btw thanks for your effort on this
i cant download volume 8
When will volume 4 of the Second year gonna come?
To people asking for the date for 2nd year volume 4 of the English translation, it normally takes at least a few months (2 if it’s fast) for most decent translations. Since the LN was released in February 25, it may be released in May or June at the earliest.
Why can’t I join the discord? It’s say invite invalid
Discord link’s expired. Can you provide us with a new one? Thank you.
Thanks you very much!!!
Kepp your good work and upload classroom of the elite newest volumes ASAP !!!!😇💪
Do you know what date the translation for Year 2 Volume 3 will be released?
Hey nice job and u2 sao fan kirito dp
When is volume 4 on year 2 going to be released?
when year 2 vol 4 out?
As of now, which of these volumes are official translated
i love this thanks for translating
Hey for volume 9 of the fan translation is it possible to remove that red box in the right bottom of the corner
when will you release 2rd year vol. 4
Be patient GOD you didn’t know how hard to translate you dimwit. Before asking appreciate the hardwork their doing first, their not paid for this yet their still doing it so don’t ask about “When they will release it”
When will the translated version of year 2 vol 4 come out?
Thank you in advance.
Is the revised edition/translation of Volume 7 available? I just wanted to make sure since I heard the previous version altered many moments and cut out paragraphs.
yes it has been since updated
Is volume 9 also not downloading for anyone else or just me?
seems it just you, what error are you getting?
SIr, the link for Volume 9 is the link for Volume 8. Pls fix this, thanks in advance.
Volume 4 year?
Release date of y2 v4 please?
please when Year 2 volume 4 will be released, did the translation start ? thanks
Thanks a lot for the great work!
The time doesn’t matter anyone can be patient enough for good translations and an awesome experience, You and your team are just amazing ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
Can I ask that why fan translation have short stories but official donot have. Up to vol 8 there is not short stories but fron vol 9 there is.
Why there is Short stories after vol 8 but not before it?
When is volume 4 coming out?
First of all man, I would like to commend you for all of your hard work. It is through you sacrifice of your time and energy that so many people are able to enjoy the unique and compelling storyline of Classroom of the Elite. Unpaid translators like you are truly the unsung heroes. So in this comment, I would like to recognize your hard work and thank you. Thank you sir, or ma’am, for everything you’ve done. I hope we’ll all be here, readers and translator, until the end of the story. I’ll see you when Year 2 – Volume 4 releases. Take care mate.
When I tried to highlight, it asked for owner’s password. Any idea what that could be?
You can highlight without password using adobe reader
Thank you for all of this volumes,
But i can’t get the link of volume 2-7-9 when I tap the get link it goes to ziybui net please help
on the other site wait 5 secs and click the skip ad icon at the top right. Your download wil begin.
I’m new here so i want to ask what’s the difference between the volume lists with “fan translation” lists. Is it the same or different.? Thanks
Hi what’s the ETA on year 2 volume 4 and 4.5?
yo kirito kun, any updates on 2nd year volume 4? really appreciate your hard work!
When will the yr 2 vol. 4 and 4.5
Be released??
hello, just wondering when y2 v4 is coming out, since I was told to expect late June..
hello I just would like to know if this is officially translated and if some volumes arent could you tell me which ones
Heyyy when will the year 2 vol 4 be translated I’ve been waiting for quite a while….
Can I get a link to your guys’ discord? I accidentally left and I can’t seem to find the link anywhere.
Hi goldenagato! Is it possible to get an update on the Yr 2 vol 4 of Cote?
Any updates on Classroom of the elite 2nd year volume4. when will it be released?
When will the 4th volume of 2nd year will be available to download
I don’t care about anything…..just care for this light novel…..
Goldenagato thanks for up until now uploading this in such a great quality…please keep updating it like as always…..!!!
Waiting for the 2nd year volume 4, 4.5, ……till the end of this masterpiece:)
Hey goldennagato please never leave us.
Not seen your reply for so long so I am afraid you are not well or something else..
We are here together only because of you.
Appreciate your work very much
Hope you are fine
Hey @goldennagato not seen your reply for so long Hope your fine and everything is great.
Appreciate your work.
Please keep updating us about novel and also not take too much stress to upload quickly take your time…
Wishing you happiness
ayo man when is year 2 vol4 coming they ended v3 like that it made me sad asf
Can someone tell me step-by-step how to download these files? So much stuff is appearing on my screen that I’m getting a bit overwhelmed here.
Read this
hello! Just wondering where I can read Year 2 Volume 4 of COTE. Just finished volume 3 and I can’t stop reading haha!
english translation for 2nd year vol 4? when will it be available?
It’s already available on the discord server
Hi, I was wondering when the SS version of book 9 would be uploaded.
Thanks so much for all your work, you guys are the best!
Head over to jnovels discord server to get the Y2V4 translated.
Hey, thanks for all the great work you do! Out of curiosity, when will the ss version of book 9 be available?
Qualcuno può dirmi perché quando cerco di scaricare i volumi non me li scarica, devo installare qualche app?
Hey, where can i find the light novels in japanese?
hey can u gave me the discord invite? the one on the page not working
pls give me the link of volume 7.5
will the 2nd year volumes have official translations (like translations with the cover art too)?
Vol 10 and yr 2 vol 3 pdf is broken, can fix it please?
What is the release date of vol 5
I can’t download them its redirecting me on different website called shotzon and its verifying me whether I’m a robot or not and so I answered but none comes to downloading the novel. Pls. help me!
Read our faq
is year 2 volume 4 and 4.5’s translation incomplete? it seems really off to me.
when will CRE year 2 volume 4 come out also the discord link is invalid so how do i read it ?
where can i read full complete translated side stories?
Year 2 Vol 5 when?
when y2v4 proper translation gonna come out? please reply T_T
when year 2 volume 4 and 4.5 gonna come out? please reply
hoping for your YR. 2 Volume 4 release. The one posted in the discard is just so off I cant bear to read it. As always thank you for your work
Why is year 2 volume 5 not here yet? when is it gonna come?
Either way great work guys, love you much.
Could you please create a new invite link for discord because it’s expired, thanks
When is second year volume 5 coming out??
thanks man, i was looking for 2nd year 4.5 volume official translation.
The translation for 2nd year volume 4 is so bad that I had to stop reading the book in half and year 2 volume 5 is not upload on even discord.
The translation Year 2 volume 4 from the discord has so many errors it’s basically unreadable.
Hey, will y2v4 be updated since it’s not a proper translation? Is someone currently working on a good translation now, or would we have to wait for a Seven Seas translation?
Thanks for your work.
how do appeal to a ban?PLs help
Thanks for the translation man when is the release of year 2 volume 5?
Hey Unable to download as it says Moved the file
goldenagato love you
when is Year 2 volume 5 coming out
Do u mean the one by graze?? Or the MTL
The one by Graze or the MTL??
can you please update the volume 7 and replace it with the revised edition. the revised book has the word revised edition n the first pages
i cant find the link for year 2 volume 4 on the discord server.
The discord link for volume yr2 vol. 4 is already expired can you please put uo another invite or link?
How do I read the 2nd Year Vol 4?
hello Thank you so much for putting these volumes up for free.
can you plz give me the discord link?
I clicked the discord hyperlink above but it doesn’t take me to your discord server.
Does anybody have an invite to the discord server as the links appear to be expired thank you
The link for CLASSROOM OF THE ELITE 2ND YEAR VOLUME 1 PDF isn’t working.
It worked. Excuse me
Man i got banned from the discord cuz my account was hacked
Hi, Year 2 vol 4 have so many error. I’m wondering when there will be good translation?
Where is the discord link? I want to read year 2 volume 4 but I can’t. Also you’re the GOAT dude.
Hello, why did the style change so much with volume 11?
2ND YEAR VOLUME 5 whennnnn?
that’s because Seven Seas has officially realeased translations until volume 10 for now.
Bro, you there isn’t a fan translation for vol 2. When I go to the link it downloads the official versions. I want vol 2 fan version so that I can read short stories. Please fix this.
Still looking for yr 2 vol 5
I’m still looking for volume 5 year 2. please share release date.
Volume 3, 4, 5, 11.5, and 11.75 aren’t working. The getting link doesn’t load and i cant download them
I have not checked the second year novels if they are working though.
hope they get fixed soon
send another join link this link is saying it is invalid
When will year 2 vol 5 and 6 will be released?
Hey, can I know how to get the CROTE Year 2 Vol 4, it says join discord but can’t find it there.
check classroom of the elite info channel on discord, or go to general chat and ask, someone will point you to the right channel
Hey, when will COTE year 2 vol 8 be available??
Also, thank you for your hard work in translating these!!
Can I know how to get CROTE Year 2 Vol. 4. It says join discord but couldn’t find it there either.
Sorry, if there is another message like this since I can’t see the other one, I am presuming it is not submitted.
when will year 2 volume 5 release
i tried to download all the pdfs at once but only volumes 1,2 and 7 worked the rest all took me to random webpages
read our faq to see how to download
Please upload Y2V4 to your site. I can’t join the discord. Thank you.
Please upload y2v4 here or share a new discord invite link. thx
how to download in japanese, the original one pdf
Please, can anyone tell me how can I download COTE Y2 V4? It says I will get the link when I join their discord and I did join but I don’t know where to find the link.
They haven’t yet uploaded it…check the release dates..
Will this this ever be updated or have you given up on theses updates?
Will this this ever be updated or have you given up on theses updates?
V8 year1 fan version link is not working
Year 2 volume 5 please I failed join discord
When year 2 vol 5 and more? :<<<<
Year 1, Vol. 7 link does not work
Year1 Vol7 link isn’t working, could you provide another?
its working fine read our faq to see how to download
First I’d start with gratitude… From the deepest part of the ocean in my heart, I thank you very much, I’m filled with gratitude and gladness, I commend you for you great efforts… I’m also thankful to the author too but please answer me this… When will the latest volume be out… I mean Year 2 volume 8
I’d like to start with gratitude… I’m really filled with gratitude from the deepest part of the ocean in my heart, I really thank you for your work and I commend you for your efforts and time too, I’m also grateful to the author too but please answer me this… When will Y2V8 be released… Thanks very much
Hey when will the year 2 vol 8 translation come you have time you can tell me
I know there is a FAQ, but nothing helps…
I have problems with downloading the Volumes & don’t know what to do.
It did work normally a few weeks ago, but now every link redirects me to “cravesandflames”
Hey can you please tell when classroom of the elite year 2 volume 8 will be available on your site, i am eagerly waiting for it.
Can you please tell when classroom of the elite year 2 volume 8 will be available on your website. please!!!
Wow. You actually kept doing all of these for us. Thank you so much. I read the first year on 2020 thanks to you and now I see you have been doing Year 2 too. I’m really thankful for all that you do.
Thanks for all these chapters man
You are king
Hi there is a password protection on year 1 volume 8 could you tell me what it is
The link for volume 7 is not working.
Hello! When can we expect Volume 8?
Did the early volume of cote got a revised edition?
I appreciate you sharing this blog post. Thanks Again. Cool.
Thanks for the hard work
what about volume 0
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Awesome! Its genuinely remarkable post, I have got much clear idea regarding from this post
When will year 2 volume 10 will come?
What’s up, I check your blog on a regular basis.
Your writing style is witty, keep it up!
I am truly thankful to the owner of this web site who has shared this fantastic piece of writing at at this place.