Zerobooks Light Novel Android & IOS App

Zero Books is a light novel reading App, with which you can access most of your favorite light novel volumes with ease.




Thousands light novel to read online and download to read offline!


App Features
-You can download each volume in order to read offline
-New updates daily
-Favorite each series
-Customize reader: Font size && family, brightness.

-Email support @ [email protected]








110 thoughts on “Zerobooks Light Novel Android & IOS App

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    1. Hi @everyone,
      We are aware of the inconveniences caused by the deactivation of the free version of the zerobooks app and we are currently working on the reinstatement of the free version. However it could take quite some time to resolve the issues at hand.
      Please try seeking for alternatives in the pro version or the website. For further inquiries, please mail us.
      Once again we are truly sorry for the inconvenience.

  1. I bought the app yesterday and I couldn’t find the 2nd volume of Adachi and Shimamura (currently on various websites) and the 2nd volume of Last Round Arthurs (currently available).
    How often do you update the app to add new LN? Also, there is only four web WN, could you add more?


    1. Hi,
      We are aware of the inconveniences caused by the deactivation of the free version of the zerobooks app and we are currently working on the reinstatement of the free version. However it could take quite some time to resolve the issues at hand.
      Please try seeking for alternatives in the pro version or the website. For further inquiries, please mail us.
      Once again we are truly sorry for the inconvenience.

  2. Ive bought the app on the play store, Ive recently got an iPad I want to use it on, do I have to re buy the app on the App Store too???

    1. The books are only accessible within the app. If you want to read books with other readers, just download the books from the site.

  3. Hey goldenagato i,m from india . Is the free app back in other countries cause play store only has the pro version.
    Also when is the akashic records series will get new translations??

  4. can’t create an account. I get two errors: enter a valid email address and passwords don’t match.

  5. I’ve paid for the premium version, although I got access to most of the novels that we can encounter here(though not all), I’m not satisfied that the “download” option does not really do the job, I wish I could read in my fav reader, but is only possible to read in the zerobooks app wHich is not really good..

    1. Hi, if you want to read Light novels with your reader of choice kindly download LN from the site.

      1. Hi! I really like your website and I always download here. Does your app available to Philippines?

  6. The point is, I’ve paid the premium version of zerobooks because I was tired to dealing with “I am not a robot” stuff to each volume .. but wherever…

  7. Did something happen? Danmachi volume 15 still isnt out tho- and the main page still is at november 16 tho we already are 18, im not rushing or anything tho because im really grateful to be able to read the my loved novels for free; really thank you for posting it. That is why im just wondering if something happend.

  8. Love the app, but would like to see a page counter or % of how much is left in the LN I am reading.

      1. If I have purchased the android version of the app… Do i have to pay for the ios version? So… Pay for the app twice?

        1. Yes, those are two different platforms. Also please note that do not use your Android account to login to ios. Register a fresh account for iOS.

  9. I just wanted to know what happened to ideal sponger life I can only find the manga not the novel

  10. I wanted to buy the app but it’s no longer on the App Store(iOS). Is this just temporary?

  11. Love the Android app but would like to see a progress bar or page counter to see how much is left in the LN I am reading.

  12. I really love the app. It would make reading much easier if there was a way to see which volumes has been read.

  13. Hi, I bought the zerobooks pro app on the play store. Now the app is gone and there is zero-books pro. Have I to pay 10€ again?

  14. howdy gold. this question has plagued me for quite a while. is your username pronounced [golden agato], [ golde nagato], or [golden nagato]

  15. I’m from brasil and want to buy zerobooks, but i have iOS and here only has the lin to google play, how can i buy the app guys?

  16. so is the ios version never coming back i just got a new phone and it wont let me redownload it? i was using it on my old phone a few days ago.

  17. Does it have a Text To Speech feature?
    All of the Light novels I read, I have it in text to speech mode. So the App reads the PDF to me.

  18. I recently bought the app zerobooks, and I looked out for absolute duo and isn’t available but on the website is it, would be possible upload it?

  19. Was there a reason behind why this was removed from the IOS AppStore? I deleted it to delete the 2 gb of books I had downloaded, not realizing that it was removed. Please tell me it’s coming back!

  20. hi, i recently downloaded the app, but There is still no vol. 4 for Heaven Official’s blessing, and Scum Villain’s Self-saving system, is there a possibility that it would be uploaded?

  21. Hi, i bought zerobook pro iOS. Now that I updated to a new iPad, I found out that zerobooks pro IOS is now more. I really do love your app, but how can I install it on my new iPad?

  22. Would it be possible to add the 5th volume of Mynoghra Apocalypse Bringer? I’m pretty sure the English version is already out, thanks!

  23. Is there a “read aloud” option in zerobooks pro? If none, is there a way to open in another app what u have downloaded in it?

    1. No it currently doesn’t have any text to speech feature. You can only read via the inbuilt reader.

  24. Does the app sync across devices? I like to read on my phone during down time at work and would like to continue reading on my tablet at home.

  25. hi.. right now i can’t open the app at my samsung tab s8.. usually i can open it until now.. is there a problem with the app??

  26. Hello, what happened to Discord because I don’t see it in my servers, I can’t find the link to it, has it been removed or what happened?

  27. Hello.
    I brought the app on my iphone. It worked perfectly fine when i first got it and was able to download a novel. But a couple days later when I tried to go back onto the app it would stay at the launch screen. I couldn’t even log in or anything. It just kept showing the app logo. I’ve deleted and reinstalled the app and even restarted my phone. Nothing seems to work. Please help.

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