Download Ryuuou No Oshigoto Light Novel Epub

You can now Download Ryuuou No Oshigoto(The Ryuo’s Work is Never Done) Light Novel Epub



16 year old Yaichi Kuzuryuu, the strongest champion in the history of the Shogi, the ‘Ryuuou’, is stuck at home when he was visited by the 9 year old girl Ai Hinazuru. For what purpose is she aiming to be his ‘disciple’?? Furthermore, for some strange reasons, they’re living together!!

Genre –
Comedy, Drama, Harem, Romance, Sports.

Associated Names
The Ryuo’s Work is Never Done!
  1. VOLUME 01 —————- DOWNLOAD
  2. VOLUME 02 —————- DOWNLOAD
  3. VOLUME 03 —————- DOWNLOAD
  4. VOLUME 04 —————- DOWNLOAD
  5. VOLUME 05 —————- DOWNLOAD
  6. VOLUME 06 —————- DOWNLOAD
  7. VOLUME 07 —————- DOWNLOAD
  8. VOLUME 08 —————- DOWNLOAD
  9. VOLUME 09 —————- DOWNLOAD
  10. VOLUME 10 —————- DOWNLOAD
  11. VOLUME 11 —————- DOWNLOAD
  12. VOLUME 12 —————- DOWNLOAD
  13. VOLUME 13 —————- DOWNLOAD
  14. VOLUME 14 —————- DOWNLOAD
  15. VOLUME 15 —————- DOWNLOAD
  16. VOLUME 16 —————- DOWNLOAD
  17. VOLUME 17 —————- DOWNLOAD
  18. VOLUME 18 —————- DOWNLOAD

26 thoughts on “Download Ryuuou No Oshigoto Light Novel Epub

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  1. The English version of Vol 12 comes out June 30 on Bookwalker, and I wouldn’t mind paying for it if they didn’t use DRM to restrict it their app.

  2. Hey volume 14 in English is out for pre order on sites so can we expect that you might be able to post it soon ?

  3. Try a different app. I recommend Neatreader on mobile, since the pc version can’t load it either.

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