Download 86 Light Novel All Volumes Pdf

You can now Download Download 86-Eighty Six Light Novel all Volumes in .Pdf format.


The Republic of San Magnolia.

For a long time this country was attacked by it’s neighbor, the Empire, which created a series of unmanned military vehicles called the Legion. In response to the threat, the Republic successfully completes the development of similar technology and reflects the enemy’s attack, having managed to do without casualties. But this is… the official version. In fact, there were victims. Outside of the 85 districts of the Republic there was actually another one. “The non-existent 86th district.” It was there that battles continued day and night in which young men and women from the detachment known as Eighty-Six participated—they fought in drones…

Shinn is the leader of a squadron of eighty-sixers. Lena is a “handler” who commands the detachment from the remote rear with the help of special communication technology.

The farewell story of the severe and sad struggle of these two begins!

Associated Names
Eighty Six

  1. 86 VOLUME 1 PDF ——————– DOWNLOAD
  2. 86 VOLUME 2 PDF ——————– DOWNLOAD
  3. 86 VOLUME 3 PDF ——————– DOWNLOAD
  4. 86 VOLUME 4 PDF ——————– DOWNLOAD
  5. 86 VOLUME 5 PDF ——————– DOWNLOAD
  6. 86 VOLUME 6 PDF ——————– DOWNLOAD
  7. 86 VOLUME 7 PDF ——————– DOWNLOAD
  8. 86 VOLUME 8 PDF ——————– DOWNLOAD
  9. 86 VOLUME 9 PDF ——————– DOWNLOAD
  10. 86 VOLUME 10 PDF ——————– DOWNLOAD
  11. 86 VOLUME 11 PDF ——————– DOWNLOAD
  12. 86 VOLUME 12 PDF ——————– DOWNLOAD
  13. 86 VOLUME 13 PDF ——————– DOWNLOAD

153 thoughts on “Download 86 Light Novel All Volumes Pdf

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  1. What a piece of art thanks goldenagato and jnovels. Anyone know where to find the illustration of rena in a garter belt?

  2. Excuse me, do u know when the volume 7 will come? And the ones after 7, will it be up to date? Thank you for volumes!

    1. It’s not, check our faq to see how to download. If the volume 2 link is blocked by your isp, use a vpn to access the link.

  3. Thanks a lot for this man. It was so hard to find the chapters and volumes of 86. Thanks to you i can read them without a problem. Appreciated

  4. Is it translated to ARABIC? or just english
    If it translated to arabic how could I download the version ?

    Thank you .

  5. Yes, I am brave enough to say this and I will never be ashamed
    I tried to copier and coller but it didn’t work
    Of course, to read it in Arabic, I am not accustomed to reading novels in English, and I do not forget that I do not speak English well

    Also, thank you very much

  6. heard vol 8 was out on the 20th just gonna wait for it to get here I guess, take your time Nagato san

  7. firstly thank you very vey much, so when can i expect for the vol 8 to release? should it be out now right?

  8. How long does it typically take for a new volume to be posted here?
    If for example Volume 9 ENG-version is released on 18th 2022

  9. I just wanted to thank you guys for uploading this and sharing it for all of us to read. Too broke to buy the LNs at the moment.

  10. Thank you so much for posting these! Will keep checking for volumes 10 and 11! Really appreciate it <3

  11. i cannot download it will be easier if you leave more clear instructions on how to download. thank you for uploading these though.

  12. thanks so much one would one to support the author but where i live we still can’t buy things online hope we can soon

  13. Hello, thank you for sharing these. I enjoyed reading them and i just finished volume 10. Would you be so kind to upload volume 11 please?

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