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The Akiba Labyrinth: A Little Trip with My Little Big Light Novel Epub

The Akiba Labyrinth: A Little Trip with My Little Big Light Novel

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This book is the English translation of a Japanese light novella.
We have translated this novella with the intent of spreading Japan’s unique light novella culture to English speaking readers. In order to spread the world view of light novellas further we have collaborated with the translation website Conyac, which connects professional and aspiring translators with those who need translations.
Together with Conyac we held a translation contest and selected two translators who were familiar with not only the language, but also Japan’s unique cultural aspects that appear within the light novella.
“The Akiba Labyrinth : A Little Trip with my Little Big”
My Big is so little.
Little breasts, little everything.
My little Big always keeps her promises. She is careful about her appearance, ever mindful of what the occasion demands.
My little Big always puts on a brave face–though every so often, she gives me a glimpse of her vulnerable side.
As a present for her high school graduation, I plan to take my Big on a little overnight trip.
To a place where we can find almost anything we want.
To a place where there is so much to find we can’t find anything at all.
To a place that will take us out of the ordinary.
To Akibarhara, Tokyo. To Akiba.
My Big and I head out…We encounter a kitten-eared maid dressed up in a frilly apron. Nekomi-san.
Nekomi-san invites us deep into the heart of Akiba.
There, my Big and I discover a quaint and stylish maid caf?.
And in this caf?, Nekomi-san invites us to play a game with her.
“I want you to find what the master is looking for,” she purrs.
There we were, lost in the teeming masses of Akiba. How were my Big and I supposed to find anything??

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