You can now download Tensei Shitara Slime (That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime) light novel PDF in(.pdf) format
- Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken WN (COMPLETED)
- The Slime Diaries
- Tensei Shitara Slime manga
A man is stabbed by a robber on the run after pushing his coworker and his coworker’s new fiance out of the way. As he lays dying, bleeding on the ground, he hears a voice. This voice is strange and interprets his dying regret of being a virgin by giving him the [Great Sage] unique skill! Is he being made fun of !?!
Associated Names
Regarding Reincarnating as Slime
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
Any ETA for Volume 5?
Why upload the fan translations for volumes 7 and 8?
We publish both fan and official.
when volume 9 will be released?
when volume 9 will be released?
Volume 7 is missing
Link works, see how to download here
When will be the releasing of volume 10?
No release date available at the moment, when it’s available it will be posted here.
will there be an official translation of volume 8?
As soon as its available, I’ll ad it.
Hey can you give me a reason as to why volume 7 is not accessible
The link works, see how to download here
I feel sorry for golde, cause all the comments are “when will this be out..?” and so on, but you don’t really have any way of knowing. The series is at volume 16 in Japanese, and the official (yen press) translation has only got up to volume 7, with vol 8 coming next month probably. The fan translations have some wacky layouts, but at least they can be bothered putting time into translating *cough* *cough* ….unlike yen press…. *cough* *cough*…
Anyway, golde, I really just wanna say thanks heaps for doing what you’ve done, putting everything together like this, your a real bro. Even if the download method is a bit of a pain and takes like 15 minutes to figure out, once you’ve got it this page is a godsend. Pretty sure this is the only one of these type things out there for Slime, with everything available compiled… Vol 9 finished off nicely, looking forward to the Yuuki stuff coming up in vol 10. Btw wanna say that I SO called yuuki being that guy when he was described as “young”. Anyway, vol 10 gonna be sick, really looking forward to your future additions to this page!!
Sidestepped dropping any spoilers there…
Good job me
My god, when I finished that comment and hit post, the refresh from that literally brought Volume 10 up onto the list!!!! This lucky, call me the shining hero
It was there before. I set the site to be cached to your browser to increase load times. You’ll need to refresh a page to see new updates.
Vol. 11-15 or 16 please
Volume 7 was trashed by the owner. Just thought you should know
Volume 7 works, try again
When will vol 8 be released? For slime
I’m reading it right? LN not WN.
Light novel volume 11 release date
Where’s volume 10-15? I’ve been dashing through since I’ve finished the anime and the manga. Started in volume 6 3 days ago and just finished volume 8. I’ve been itching to see what will happen after the grand festival! Don’t want to be left in a cliffhanger at the end of volume 9!
Refresh the page volume 10 is available. Volume 11 is still being translated.
Do you have an idea of when volume 11 will be translated?
I’m using the mobile app but volume 10 is still not out yet.
You’re probably using the old mobile app. I stopped updating the old app.
Release Volume 11 fast
Please release already the translated volume 11
Anyone know who is currently translating volume 11? A name or webpage link would be great, but if not it’s fine just knowing the company/group behind it.
Thanks 😄
This is Light Novel not Web Novel right. Lol I’m just making sure
When’s the release date of volume 11?
My head starts to spin off after I read volume 10 then jump to web novel. It was so crazy that I am confuse but I will stick to the light novel right now after finishing reading it.
Btw, when is the tentative release date of translated volume 11 LN? anyone guys? I’m itching to read what will happen next!
No, there’s none for the fan translation
Is volume 11 not translated yet?please reply.
Where is volume 11-15
Anyway to get notified when vol 11 translation is out?
Volume 11 won’t be released anytime soon. You can follow this blog for new post, check the right sidebar.
Any predictions on when vol 11 might be released?
And a week later, it’s released.
Thank you very much for this! 💕💕💕
Cuando se traduce el numero 11?
When is the release of volume 12?
Any updates on when volume 12 will release?
Not yet
I am eagerly waiting for vol. 12
Me too
Plz add volume 12 to 16 by Fuze of that time i got reincarnated as a slime
Thank u
Not translated yet
volume 12 to 16 please by fuse
The story somehow fluctuates at some points like tournament and fight at council ?
When Volume 12 and abive released??
Hey Golden just in case you need it thank you for the fan translations for 9-11! They were very helpful and were pretty solid. Keep up the good work!
Anyone know when volume 12 comes??
Want volume 12,13,14,15,16 go :-
Using drive and download
it is not as ordered as from jnovels but story is same from real novel by fuse.
Varun can you please explain what you mean by it is not ordered as from jnovels I don’t understand are there some missing chapters from story or something or is the story safe and unchanged
Like the index and copyright etc. nothing else.
There are no missing chapters and neither any deviation from original story.
I offered because I was restless for further plot so I thought I should share it.
Still fan& original translations have theri own fun but it will take a lot time.
When will Volume 11 come out?
hi varuni, thanks for posting the google doc url for the machine translation of light novel 12 to 17. it is quite readable although some parts are nonsensical due to machine error.
Varun do you know when will the 18 vol be uploaded?
Dear Goldenagato, thank you for everything! Thank you.
I have a few issues with the download links though, something like “moved temporarily” at the end. Personally I think it will/might soon be fixed, but could you perhaps look into it. Sorry for asking this of you since you have done so much already. (Thing is that I have the same problems with the novel “I’ve been killing slimes for 300 years …”, but with both novels the links up until volume 6 don’t work, at least for “Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken”.)
Dear Goldenagato, thank you for everything! I seem to have troubles with the links from volumes 2 to 5, because they “aren’t there anymore”? Is that normal?
The link works fine for me. Try using a vpn or use google chrome with an incognito tab. If you still can’t download let me know
Sorry, I wrote the same thing twice, because I wasn’t sure whether my first comment would have been visable, because it was “waiting for moderation”. I apologize and thank you once more for all your work Goldenagato.
thanks for all the work with the uploads,just out of curiousity how long does a new translation take from the previous one?
Really could not find any legit web for this stuff,
Thanks for all these LNs
Official vol 10 is available. When will it replace the fan one?
Its the official version
Dear Goldenato, I did as you said, and it worked. Sorry I took so long to respond. THANK YOU SO MUCH! For everything. Stay healthy.
When will volume 12 be out????
its not working for me
volume 10 and 11 goes “Opa! A página não pode ser encontrada,”
The site still being migrated, you’ll be able to download in a few days time.
this is were you can find vol 12,13,14,15,16, and 17 in english
omg you’re a savior~ ^ ^
Goldenagato the completed one which is 9000 pages long is that the light novel or the web novel?
ETA for Volume 12 Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken
i fished the manga, where does is contneu
In what particular page or chapter is the continuation of LN volume 11 from wn version
It seems that volume 7’s text format is different from the others
I think there’s a problem with the volume 6 . Everytime I try to download it I got the volume 8 instead ! Can you fix it please ?
I think there’s a problem with volume 6 . When I try to download it I got the volume 8 instead. Can you fix this pls ?
Is the Volume 12 still being translated?
When is the translated volume 12?
Volume 12 is up
When is Volume 13 gonna be released?
When the official translated version of vol 10-11 gonna add?
Sorry, I see u already gave the official translation of vol10 and official translation
of vol11 is yet to release by yen press. Thanks for the hard work always
Is the link broken? I press it and waited, only to have it link me to
The link is fine. Read our Faq to see how to download
when will volume 13 be out.Thank you in advance for the reply
after the official release of volume 11 that is on 22 june will it be updated here instead of the fan translation?
Was going to ask the same
Is this web novel or light novel?
Light novel.
when will the vol. 13 fan translation be publish?
Does the Wednovel follow the same story line as the light novel
Yes, but the light novel is much more detailed and have some extra storyline too
Volume 1 is not going through
Thanks. I’ll go ahead and download all of it. Thanks a lot.
Thank you so much for all the hard work the Translator and everyone else is putting in!
Even compiling everything together! ❤️ I was so glad when I finally got to read this series. Being a non-japanese, I can only rely on the translated works. That’s is why I’m very very grateful for all the hard work being put here.
Keep up the good work! I will be cheering you on as I patiently wait for the next uploads❤️
Hehe. 😄
Yo I think this is a late site volume 13to18 are already realize in other websites
Why don’t you read it on those sites, why come here? Side note if you reading this comment kindly note that I only publish readable translations and not Machine translations
Saludos desde Cuba. Perdona que te pregunte pero no tengo internet por mucho tiempo y cuando busque en google no encontré nada. Me interesa el volumen 11 en español. ¿Sabes donde puedo conseguirlo? Muchas gracias por tu tiempo.
Hey there, just want to say that I appreciate the translations. Just want to ask about the progress for volume 13, as I just started volume 12 and was wondering if I should slow down.
Is there a problm on volume 6-9. I cant download it and it says host error but volume 10 – 12 can be dl.
Do you know when volume 13 will be out ?
The art is horrible but i like story
Where does the light novel 12 end off I’m the web novel? I can’t seem to find it
Could you please tell me the password to edit the pdf?
I’d like to remove the watermarks because they occupy too much space in my kindle screen.
Why can i download volumes 1 to 5. They get me to adfly website that says the files were moved temporarly. The files from 6 and above work
@Joltreiner You have to forget comparing this story with the Webnovel, at this point there are two different stories, there are new characters and story plots. The main canon is always the LN.
@Kim Quôc Anh likley the same time the official volume 13 drops which is march 22 this year I think
when will volumes 13-15 be posted !?
WN and LN have different outcome of how the story plays out. So you cant really bridge the 2 works
13 when?
What should I read, Web novel or Light Novel?
That’s a tough one. WN is complete but the LN is more detailed I think. I’ve already read all the LN to 12 so now I’ve restarted with the WN
Hey goldennagato,
I just finished reading the LN you have added and wanted to check out the WN. It first takes me to TSHORTNER and then which does not download any file automatically or has a button to do so. Can you help me out??
from which volume to start after the anime
Hello m8. Finally made it thro the recaptch. Thank you for all this m8.
So the volume 14-19? When will it be released? I’ve been waiting here for almost a year now. I hope it will be release soon.
Vol 14?
hello, when will volume 14 be posted?
Available 26-07-2022
Thank you so much ^_^
Thank you for posting the official LN translation; it is definitely worth the wait. Is there a tentative release date for volume 15?
Please provide a tentative date of vol 15. I don’t want to read those annoying machine translations. So, I wait for ur update.
Available 22-11-2022
Hi, I have been getting file temporarily moved for volumes 1 through 5 since way back in May 2022 (currently Oct 12th, 2022). I have tried multiple times from different computers and browsers on different dates yet still got the same result every time. Can someone please help with this issue?
did you click “SKIP AD” on the top right? seem work for me
Thank you! I’ve downloaded vol 1-14. Will wait for vol 15.
Where’s Vol 15 😱 came out today and I’m already sweating to get it down my addiction gutter.
It’s so good !!!! Advance Merry Christmas to y all
where is the no. 16?
when will be the vol. 16 release?
What is the password for the PDF?
The link after ch 10 are not working can somebody help me with them
any one now how to get vol 17 to 20 please
gold your a good man for the first time in my life I can read a LN (can’t buy one so)I will wait vol.17 from the LN keep up the good work
good job I’m waiting for vol.17 keep it up
Hello, I wasn’t able to access the first ten volumes, with it saying the connection was not secure. If possible, please take a look at it. Anyway, thank you for your work.
When will you release the vol.18 to 22? I wanna read it
my good sir, I’ve been unable to access the first 10 volumes and was wondering if you could take a look at them. Anyway, thank you for your work
Any news when volumes 18-21 will be available?
Thank you for all the hard work!
Greeting goldenagato when will volumes 19-21 be released? because I tried searching for them and I found that they have yet to be released, I just wanted to know so I can set a remainder I literally don’t want to miss it
Could you please upload the 19th volume?