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Nia Liston: The Merciless Maiden Volume 5 Pdf

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The quest for one billion krams may be important, but the promotion of magivision is not to be neglected! Not long after Nia returns from her successful expedition to Vanderouge, she receives a letter from Prince Hiero inviting her to Zackford and Phyledia’s wedding. But this is no ordinary invitation—this is a job worth twenty million krams! With a prince’s dream of recording in a foreign country finally within reach, Nia is back in the Empire of Flight to assist with the momentous occasion. With a new school year now upon them, the academy finds its own junior broadcasting station approved by the school board, and Nia ends up running into some trouble while out on an expedition with her protégés! She may be angelic for the wedding, but this Merciless Maiden won’t let anything interfere with the rise of magivision!

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