[MANGA][CBZ] Dragon Ball Super

You can now Download Dragon Ball Super manga in .cbz format.

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Having defeated Boo, Goku is starting to get bored with his life on Earth. His wife, Chi-chi, wants him to get a job, but all he wants to do is train and fight stronger enemies. Elsewhere in the universe, the God of Destruction, Beerus, and his attendant Whis are traveling from planet to planet in search of food and entertainment. After blowing up some hapless victims, Beerus is reminded of a man from his dreams with the moniker “Super Saiyan God,” or something like that… The God of Destruction sets his sights on Earth to track down this mysterious man! Maybe this will give Goku something to do?

  1. VOLUME 01
  2. VOLUME 02
  3. VOLUME 03
  4. VOLUME 04
  5. VOLUME 05
  6. VOLUME 06
  7. VOLUME 07
  8. VOLUME 08
  9. VOLUME 09
  10. VOLUME 10
  11. VOLUME 11
  12. VOLUME 12
  13. VOLUME 13
  14. VOLUME 14
  15. VOLUME 15
  16. VOLUME 16
  17. VOLUME 17
  18. VOLUME 18
  19. VOLUME 19
  20. VOLUME 20
  21. VOLUME 21


14 thoughts on “[MANGA][CBZ] Dragon Ball Super

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  1. Bro I want to read death note and fullmetal alchemist manga but they aren’t available in my country. So please try to post it.

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