[MANGA][CBZ] Bungo Stray Dogs

You can now Download Bungo Stray Dogs manga in .cbz format.


Having been kicked out of the orphanage, a despairing young man by the name of Atsushi Nakajima rescues a strange man from a suicide attempt–Osamu Dazai. Turns out that Dazai is part of an armed-detective agency staffed by individuals whose supernatural powers take on a literary bent!manga industry yet!


  1. VOLUME 01
  2. VOLUME 02
  3. VOLUME 03
  4. VOLUME 04
  5. VOLUME 05
  6. VOLUME 06
  7. VOLUME 07
  8. VOLUME 08
  9. VOLUME 09
  10. VOLUME 10
  11. VOLUME 11
  12. VOLUME 12
  13. VOLUME 13
  14. VOLUME 14
  15. VOLUME 15
  16. VOLUME 16
  17. VOLUME 17
  18. VOLUME 18
  19. VOLUME 19
  20. VOLUME 20


14 thoughts on “[MANGA][CBZ] Bungo Stray Dogs

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  1. hi!! when will you be updating volume 16, 17, 18, 19, 20? i can’t find any volume past 15. thank you! you’re doing god’s work :’)

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