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You can now download MAGDALA DE NEMURE light novel in (.pdf) Format

It is a world in which order is maintained through three great factions: the Church, which bears the greatest authority; the Order of Clausius, possessing influence on par with the Church, claimant of immense assets and military might, and; the Guild of Commerce, an association of merchants and artisans alike.

In this world is the alchemist Kusla, who has been captured and imprisoned for the crime of burning a saint’s bones.

There’s been a spin-off novel announced with release on 10th January 2015 – Shoujo wa Shoka no Umi de Nemuru (少女は書架の海で眠る – A Girl Sleeps in the Ocean of Magdala).

Associated Names –
May Your Soul Rest in Magdala
Magdalene de Nemure

Genre –
Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Romance.

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