Black Summoner Volume 20 Epub

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It’s finally time for the decisive final battle with the Ten Authorities! The preliminary moves are over, and now the teams are set in stone. Alliances have been made, and prisoners have been taken. But not all is well, as the participants have their own conflicting goals and agendas. One wants to depose the Ten Authorities’ leader while helping them succeed, while another aims to convert them to the religion of Melfina—and as always, our main battle junkie is just in it for the fights! Now is the time to power up and prepare for what’s to come, but how much stronger can Kelvin’s group even get in a single month? Can a prisoner be convinced to turn? Can a shaky alliance hold? And if not, how explosive will its failure be? What powers do the remaining members of the Ten Authorities have in store? Answers to these questions along with exciting and epic battles await in this volume of Black Summoner!

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