Hi @everyone , how are you doing today. I will get straight to the point, we need funds to keep the site alive. Ad revenue isn’t sufficient to run the site. We currently need over 2k Dollars yearly to host the site and ad revenue is almost non existent. The last time I gave a break down of the costs, Moles in our server used that information for sabotage hence I won’t make that mistake again. I know with your support we can generate the funds and I will really appreciate the support, You all know I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t totally necessary. We may continually require your support to help renew the site cost. Let’s all try to support any way we can. If you donate and you’re interested in the donator role, you can dm me and I’ll give you the role.
Find below the donation page.
Deal. can’t donate a lot at a time, but you guys help bring me books, so i have 0 problem supporting you when and where i can.
The no game no life vol. 11 is out please post the remaining chapters
I’d want to make a donation, but I’m broke.
I’m just able to assist by making suggestions. So my recommendation is to place obnoxious advertising in your site (e.g. ads on pornhub or animepahe) I don’t know if you’ve already done this, but if you have, just ignore my comment if you have.
i hope i can help
I wish I could support you and this site but I don’t have money to donate is there way I could watch a ton of ads or something